Webserver / Intranet Planning

Although our public sites are currently hosted at central Computing Services as required by Pitt CSSD, we have a number of intranet sites that are on an internal-use webserver.  One of these is the critical scheduler.

Currently, those sites are on a very old server systems — an Intel Xserve from Apple.  These haven’t been in production for quite some time.

I’m testing those websites in a linux environment to make sure each is going to work correctly.  Not only is this a platform change — that will have a minimal impact — but it will be a significant change in versioning for the databases, PHP version, and Apache version.

Once I have the kinks works out in a virtual machine, these intranet sites will be migrated to a linux server.  This will provide new hardware and additional redundancy in addition to the newer OS and LAMP stack versions.